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Our products and services include:


  • Lined reactors vessels

  • Lined columns with all accessories

  • Lined filter housings

  • Lined storage tanks

  • Coating for damaged glass lined equipment

  • Lined pipes and fittings

The chemical industry, with it's various branches, is a keystone of every economy. 
Converting raw materials like natural gas, metals, and chemicals into a useful end product depends on the use of highly corrosive and toxic chemicals such as bromine, Aqua Riga, caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and others. 
Handling these corrosive chemicals can be hazardous and difficult; therefore, the surfaces of the equipment that comes in touch with them needs to be corrosive resistant. Only a few materials fall into this category; the Fluoropolymer resins. 
Fluoropolymers are unaffected by virtually all chemicals and solvents, and are proven materials of choice for resisting harsh chemicals. Their exceptional chemical resistances help prevent the contamination of process fluids and extend equipment service life.
By using Fluoropolymers fabrications, one can avoid the use of Ostly and exotic metals. 
Recent improvements in the processing and fabrication of Fluoroplymers technology allow the fabrication of superior Fluoropolymer components. Components of fluoropolymers have superior resistance to environmental stress cracking. 
Chemical industry applications include piping, fittings, valves and other components for transporting aggressive, ultrapure fluids: water carriers, linings for storage tanks and vessels; sinks for wet benches; fluid containers and lab ware. 
Proper selection of the fluoroplymer matrix and layer thickness is super critical in reducing and / or eliminating permeation and stress crack of the components. Engiplas’s lining and coating technologies utilizes the entire Fluoropolymer family, enabling us to serve our customers with superior products.


The constant increasing demand for medicines and drugs is a major catalyst of the pharmaceutical industry growth. Companies seeking to pursue this demand are investing unlimited amounts of time and capital into their research and production facilities.
It is the right of the patient to consume pure and safe drugs. As such, the industry is subjected to constant quality checks, making it imperative to obtain the highest levels of cleanliness and purity. 
Chemical / Ingredients Division
Fluroplastics play a major roll in this process: from the storage tanks, through the pipes and fittings conveying hazardous liquids and gases, through the reactor vessels with all their accessories, through the centrifugal machines and finishing with filtration and drying equipment. 
In the pursuit to corrosion free production, Fluoroplastics have unmatched levels of resistance to chemicals, far more than exotic alloys and glass. 
As our experience has shown, in some cases it is better to use a Fluoroplastics lining protection system than to use exotic alloys, which are corrosively attacked after just a few months of service. 
Fluoroplastic materials are of the highest purity and cleanness level. This is important choosing a material which comes in touch with the batch liquids and gases. Our FDA - approved lining and coatings do not contaminate nor impart any particles into the process, rather they preserve the purity of the end - product, making them the best choice when purity is the main concerns.
Anti static lining and coatings are available. 

Our products include:


  • Lined reactors vessels, fully equipped

  • Lined columns with all accessories 

  • Lined filer housings 

  • Lined dryers

  • Lined storage tanks 

  • Coating for centrifugal systems

  • Coatings for ventilation systems

  • Steam ejectors, injectors, bellows, inlet nozzles, ovens

  • Lined pipes and fittings

Research and Development Division
 In volume production plants, quality is the governing quantity. Here we focus more on tailor made solutions rather than on large scale production. 
Solid fluoroplastic products are more common than coated or lined metal members.
Glass and PTFE are the major construction materials in this division. Full production plants are supplied with glass vessels and reactors, equipped with PTFE agitators and mixers, wave breakers, column internals, valves, pipes and fittings and sealing adaptors. 
Potent materials are treated with much care, when used inside glove boxes or closed feeding systems. Filter different materials with our solid PTFE units, engineered specifically per application. The units can be installed both inside and outside the glove chamber. Drying units can be heated by conventional methods and by microwaves. 
Mini plants are ideal solutions for the laboratory, seeking a turn key unit. Engiplas supplies these units with all the necessary processing equipment up to any required scale and volume. We also enable the customer to check the system running before it is dispatched from our site.

Our products include:


  • Lined reactors vessels, fully equipped

  • Solid PTFE reactor vessels, fully equipped

  • Solid PTFE / PFA / ETFE columns with all accessories

  • Filter housings

  • Slid PTFE dryers

  • Coatings for ventilation systems

  • Coating for metal structures

  • Lined pipes and fittings


The ecology requests for cleaner energy sources is one of the most profound needs for change in combination with the increased demand for energy.
One of the leading paths in recent years is the Biodiesel industry.
Using field crops as a source for energy is decreasing the consumer’s reliance on foreign resources, decreasing pollution and increasing local agriculture output. In order to become fuel, a number of chemical reactions take place with raw fat or oil. The most common reaction is the transesterification process in which fat is initially purified and then mixed with an alcohol suc as Ethanol (CH3CH2OH) or Methanol (CH3OH).
The end process is to neutralize the products of the transesterification process by corrosive media.
To eliminate corrosion while processing Biodiesel, Engiplas supplies lined equipment such as pipes and fittings with an extremely high permeation resistance, static dissipating linings are available when electrical charges occur during fast velocities of flow, filter housings in all sorts such as bags, cartridges and plates, lined static mixers with lined or solid PTFE mixers, agitated vessels and columns.

Our products include:


  • Lined reactors vessels, fully equipped 

  • Lined columns with all accessories

  • Lined filter housings

  • Lined dryers

  • Lined storage tanks

  • Coatings for ventilation systems

  • Lined pipes and fittings 


Advanced technology is an essential tool for any industry seeking for life upgrading.Strong correlation between technological advancements and daily life enrichment has existed since the beginning of history and it comes in different shapes and forms at any given time.Substantial investments in high technology production made by governments around the globe are routed mainly to semiconductor industry.In a vast number of semiconductor production plants, chemicals - non - corrosive and corrosive alike - are used daily. They should be treated with much care.The most vital function of the construction material dealing with these chemicals is to maintain a high level of purity and to avoid contamination to the process while resisting corrosion in a wide range of temperatures and pressures.This is the main reason why Fluoropolymers are one of the major players in every FAB – they are chemically inert to the media while sustaining the requested level of purity.

Engiplas serves Semi Conductors companies by providing various products:


  • Lined pipes and fittings 

  • Bottles - solid 

  • Injectors and sprayers 

  • Chemical containers - solid and lined 

  • High pressure vessels and tankgsnd lined 

  • Valves 

  • Filtration systems 

  • Lined heat exchangers


In recent years, water has become a major industrial resource. As the world dries, more and more attention is drawn to finding new water resources and more efficient and productive use of water.

The main feature of the equipment used in this industry, is the ability to process large quantities of non contaminated water, in corrosion - free manner.

As a rule of thumb, the water is filtered, conveyed, pressed and refiltered, until it reaches the required leveled of cleanliness.

Engiplas supplies the water treatment industry with polymer and fluoropolymer lined equipment, as and alternative to exotic metals such as Duplex, Inconel, Titanium and other alloys.

Engiplas's fluoropolymer lining decreases the amount of organic and non organic materials, which tend to build up on the walls of the equipment. This enables the plant to increase its outcome volume, providing higher levels of cleanliness and corrosion - free processing. 

Products include:


  • Linded filters and strainers

  • Large Diameter tubes and large diameter fittings

  • Lined storage tanks 

  • Lined vessels and tailor made equipment

  • Lined Filter housings 

  • Lined pipes and fittings


Fluoropolymers are today's answer to the two major setbacks of production in the food industry - 

  • Stickiness of the processed media

  • Accumulation of the powders.

Stickiness - Stick food materials tend to bond to the walls of the equipment they come in contact with. The required timeconsuming maintenance incurs high cleaning costs. In order to overcome these costly and tiresome maintenance procedures, Engiplas provides various coating systems for equipment in various sizes and construction materials.

The walls of the coated member remain clean and non-contaminated. It is much easier to clean them at the end of every production round. 

Accumulation - Powders tend to build onto the walls of the equipment they come in contact with. In some cases this may cause clogging and may even halt production. The low coefficient of fricition of the Fluropolymers materials reduces powder build - up and in some cases even eliminates it - the powders lows more easily.

Some of the coatings we offer:


  • PTFE thin and thick coatings

  • PTA thin and thick coatings 

  • FEP thin coatings

  • MFA thin coatings 

  • ETFE thin and thick coatings 

  • ECTFE thin and thick coatings 

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